Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Salsa,my condiment of choice!

Friday night, December 2, 2011, I held a Healthy holiday cooking class at my home.  I am happy to report that I had a great turn out of clients and friends that learned much and seemed to enjoy all!  The big hit of the evening was the Plum Salsa!  Salsa has always been my condiment of choice and this salsa is to die for!  I wish I could take credit for its creation, however that credit has to go to my best friend and roommate, Tammy!  This salsa will make anything taste incredible!  My personal favorite is with a baked sweet potato, black beans, asparagus and a grilled center cut pork chop.  My mouth begins to salivate just typing about it! Yum!

This salsa was so well liked that everyone in attendance wanted to know if they could buy some!  This event was the birth of the “Salsa Queens Plum Salsa”!  A few guest said they would like it if it was a little hotter so we have created two varieties.  Salsa Queens Red Chili Plum Salsa which has the biggest kick and Salsa Queens Plum Salsa Medium.
Made 10 jars last night and sold all but 3 today!  Still have to fulfill pre-order sales of 17 jars.  This salsa can be used as a marinade, BBQ sauce, or as a condiment to put on anything that needs a little flavor.  It is made to order and is sure to be a BIG hit!  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ARTIFICIAL! A whole plum in every container! 

Interested?  Email me at eringail99@aol.com.  On the subject line enter "Salsa".


12 oz. container $8.00

Thursday, November 3, 2011

There's no such thing as too busy

There’s no such thing as being too busy.  If something is important you will make time for it!

Buurr!! What a way to wake up this morning? Cold wind that almost blew you over!!  Didn’t take long to warm up and begin shedding layers.  Then the cool weather got you going and kept you moving and shaking till the very end!!  Way to BRING IT guys and gals!

The holiday season is upon us and with it comes countless parties, holiday shopping and family get togethers.  This is a time of the year when time matters most to all of us and how we spend this time is a reflection of what is important to each of us.  So let me ask you a question…..How will YOU be spending YOUR time?  What is important to you?

How many times have you caught yourself saying “There’s not enough hours in the day” or “I am so busy I can’t hear myself think”?  Sound familiar?  I am the first one to admit that I fall into this category and rest assured I find time for the things that matter most to me.  I prioritize my workout because I know how good I feel when I workout, how easy it is to find an excuse not to, and the end result being holiday weight gain and back pain from a weak core.  Next on my list is maintaining my healthy eating plan.  I have done this long enough to know how I feel when I eat right and how easy it is to order a pizza.  Truth be known, I can make my own healthy pizza at home in the same amount of time as it takes Papa John’s to deliver. 

Even with a crazy schedule I always manage to spend some part of my day doing something that really isn’t all that important or could wait till another day.  Anyone relate?  Whether it’s Facebook, shopping online or looking at a magazine, some part of my actions shows I am not as busy as I may think.

What are your actions saying about you?  Let’s face it; Actions speak volumes about what we really think verses what we may say!  What do you pay attention to the most?  What someone says or what they do? 

I challenge you this holiday season to show with your actions that living a healthy life style is important to you!  Someone is always paying attention to us even when we don’t know it.  How awesome would it be to inspire someone else to adapt a healthy life style simply by watching you??? 

Pretty Awesome!

Inspiring the world to a lifestyle of health and fitness one body at a time!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Healthy Mexican Food?

We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are. ~Adelle Davis

Here in Texas we like our Mexican food!  Put up a Mexican Food Restaurant on any corner and more likely that not, it will survive.  Here in lies the problem:

§         Mexican food is high in calories, sodium and fat.
§         Usually contains too many carbohydrate sources in one meal and not enough green leafy vegetables.

So what’s a Mexican food lover suppose to do?

Follow this guide the next time you go out to your favorite spot this side of the border!

  1. Just say “NO” to the complimentary chips and salsa!  Chips are deep fried and contain about 2 grams of fat PER CHIP.
  2. Stick with Fajitas or fresh seafood selections like Ceviche’.  When ordering fajitas, ask for “no oil on the pan”.  Oil is ladled on the hot cast iron plate to cook the onions, usually the meat is precooked and has already had it’s fair share of oil on the grill.
  3. Ask for black beans even if you don’t see it on the menu.  Stay away from refried beans….just say the name and you can see why. Frijoles can sometimes be an okay choice but keep in mind they are usually prepared with a fatty, cured meat.
  4. Order corn tortillas and stay away from the flour! Flour tortillas can contain over 200 calories per tortilla,  and lets be honest, who eats just one?!
  5. When it comes to condiments, stick with red salsa, no sour cream, and avocado slices instead of guacamole.
  6. I always ask for a side of steamed veggies.  At Gringo’s you can order veggie fajitas, so I ask for the veggie blend steamed!
  7. Last but not least…..the Margarita!  I enjoy a margarita when I go out but hate the calories the typical house drink contains.  Thanks to Bethenny Frankel, most establishments are creating their own version of “Skinny Girl” Margarita.  My complaint is the mix contains Splenda.  What I ask for is:
§          Half sweet and sour mix and the rest club soda, on the rocks, NO Salt!

Sometimes you just want good Mexican food!  Hopefully this guide will allow you to enjoy without the guilt while still seeing improvements in your health and a smaller waist line!

Yours in enjoying a health lifestyle,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All supplements are not created equally

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

 William A. Foster

By now I hope you know what “Good Nutrition” is.  Quoting Dr. Mark Hyman, author of Ultra Metabolism,  “Common sense and scientific research both lead us to the conclusion that is we want healthy bodies, we must put the right raw materials into our bodies: real, whole, local, fresh, unadulterated, unprocessed, and chemical-hormone-, and antibiotic-free food.”  Easier said than done!
As a fitness professional since 1999 my views and understanding of the American food industry in relation to “Good Nutrition” has been mind blowing.  Food is big business much like pharmaceuticals.  If you aren’t convinced, just tally up your receipts from the grocery store over the last month and then hope and pray that your Dr. doesn’t prescribe a medication that only comes in “Brand Name” form.   And yet, even with all the money we are spending on food, or should I say “edible products” our nation as a whole is obese and malnourished.  No one thinks of an overweight individual as being malnourished, but they are! The more processed the food you consume, the higher the risk of  not only being vitamin and nutrient deficient, add to that anxiety, depression, autism, ADHD, Parkinson’s, dementia, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and the list goes on.
Our bodies are living beings much like a beautifully landscaped yard.  When given the right amounts of nutrients, our color is bold and beautiful, our skin is nice and taught and we simply radiate from the inside out!  What we eat on a daily basis should be our bodies"Miracle Grow!  Just like a yard that goes unattended, unfertilized, and without water develops big brown spots, becomes dry and brittle and the eyesore of the neighbor hood, so too does the body.  It’s still alive but not able to thrive!
This is why EVERYONE needs vitamins.  And just like all food isn’t created equally, neither are vitamin supplements.  The reason I recommend Shaklee supplements is because they are the highest quality nutritional supplements on the planet.  Every ingredient that goes into a Shaklee supplement is tested for over 350 contaminants surpassing pharmaceutical standards set by the United States Pharmacopeia which only requires 80.
Shaklee scientists search the world for the purest most potent natural ingredients after spending thousands of hours pouring over scientific literature and conducting their own studies to verify efficacy.
Shaklee has over 50 years of clinical studies focused on how our bodies absorb nutrients.  Just because you take a supplement doesn’t mean your body can absorb the nutrients listed on the label.  Shaklee has proof their supplements work.  You see it in over 100 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals that confirm the efficacy of their products.
Follow that with an unconditional money back guarantee.

To sum it all up, unless you eat wild, fresh, whole, organic, local, non-genetically modified food grown in virgin mineral and nutrient rich soil, that hasn’t been transported over vast distances then stored for months before you eat it, you must take a nutritional supplement to fill in the nutritional gaps in order for your body to grow and thrive!  Since it’s almost impossible to eat this way given our options, shouldn’t you choose a supplement that guarantees it’s the best?

Put quality in, get quality out.  Put junk in, get junk out.  You decide.

Yours in vibrant health,